by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Evidence, Issues
Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. June 1, 2020 Excerpt: Social science research (e.g., education research) almost never sees “the perfect study.” While teaching research methods at the university graduate and undergraduate levels across seven years, I explained to my...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Research
Rodger Williams October 1, 2024 A recurring criticism of the nationwide studies on homeschool academic achievement — conducted by Dr. Brian Ray and the National Home Education Research Institute — is that participants were self-selected. That is, the data...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Evidence, Issues
Rodger WilliamsMay 21, 2021 Child abuse reports are commonly used to predict whether or not a particular child will become the victim of child abuse or neglect. Several years ago there was a bill in the Oregon Legislature that every parent who had a child abuse report...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Critic Accuracy
Rodger Williams May 12, 2021 The two invalid studies as described by homeschool critics Elizabeth Bartholet, Dr. Rachel Coleman, James Dwyer, Milton Gaither and Frank E. Vandervort promote the two invalid studies in their article for The...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Evidence, Issues
Paula BolyardMay 2, 2019 Excerpt: This happens every few years — someone trots out a collection of child abuse horror stories and blames the abuse on the fact that parents were permitted to keep their own children in their own homes without government...