by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Evidence, Issues
Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. June 1, 2020 Excerpt: Social science research (e.g., education research) almost never sees “the perfect study.” While teaching research methods at the university graduate and undergraduate levels across seven years, I explained to my...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Evidence, Issues
Rodger WilliamsMay 21, 2021 Child abuse reports are commonly used to predict whether or not a particular child will become the victim of child abuse or neglect. Several years ago there was a bill in the Oregon Legislature that every parent who had a child abuse report...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Evidence, Issues
Paula BolyardMay 2, 2019 Excerpt: This happens every few years — someone trots out a collection of child abuse horror stories and blames the abuse on the fact that parents were permitted to keep their own children in their own homes without government...
by Rodger Williams | Evidence, Issues
The Coalition for Responsible Home Education does not agree with how I utilized their publicly available database of child abuse fatalities in my study titled “Homeschool Child Fatalities Fewer Than the National Average”. [F]ar from conducting original...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Evidence, Issues
Mary Rice Hasson Fall 2012 Excerpt: This essay looks first at the current homeschooling landscape, noting key changes that have swept through the homeschooling movement over the past several decades. Next it analyzes some of the assumptions implicit in the current...