By Anonymous
Okay, the “privilege” label REALLY ticks me off. My husband and I STRUGGLE. Before he started his new job, we would have been lucky to hit $40k/yr. Now we’re at around $60k. Did I mention that there are 9 of us?
We get no state assistance. We’re squeezed into a house that is only about 800 Sq ft. We have 1 bathroom. Our cars are both 16 yrs old. We don’t eat out, and when I go grocery shopping, I can only buy essentials.
That means I meal plan 3 meals a day for 5 days a week. The other 2 are leftovers or whatever we find. Our clothes are mainly hand-me-downs, and last year we took our first family vacation since 2012 when our oldest graduated from boot camp.
There are times I have to use baking soda for laundry detergent, and paper towels are a luxury we can only afford about once a week.
Yet, that’s not what I focus on. I focus on my family being more important than anything on this earth, and that means we will do ANYTHING for them.
So, when people assume privilege, they don’t know what they’re talking about because we have sacrificed and still sacrifice every single day.
We are blessed, though. Blessed for what the Lord has provided for us. Blessed to have each other, and to have our church family.
And I would never want anyone to think my children would have been better off in school, because when there is an abundance of love in the home, your children have everything they need.